"Part time!"

Actually, I am... part time.
I teach a full day 'No Budget Props and Special Effects' workshop for
the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers and have about twice a year since 2001. It's all about old time, in-camera special effects that work with either film or video.
I just taught a workshop to a full house a few weeks ago which seemed to go over quite well. I talk a lot about miniatures and forced perspective and such, and making props -seems everyone wants to know about the gore- I even made a Pepper's Ghost model in about ten minutes time with a scrap cardboard box, a CD case and a few flashlights. That one blew them away. It's so cool to impress people with a thrown together effect that they can see before their eyes. It was a good group for sure.
They keep asking me back and people keep coming. Couldn't ask for more.
Here's a little pre-workshop blurb the CSIF placed on their Production Blog.
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