've been watching (participating through live chat) Lar deSouza's "Lartist at Work" Ustream Friday nights. Lar usually draws the Sunday version of Least I Could Do and people watch and learn and ask him questions which he answers live. This guy's a very talented artist, but moreso than that, he's happy to share what he knows. I've been using graphics programs for many, many years - but everyone uses each program differently. There's a bzillion ways to do any one thing on any program, but Lar is a Photoshop guru. And immensely patient answering the same questions over an over. He's a great teacher for sure. Anyway, since I've been absorbing his tricks and tips, my own work is improving vastly (in my eyes).

I am so much faster than I ever was and mistakes are far easier to correct now. I got two of what would've taken me a whole work day done today; the beer label previously posted and the zombie cartoon above. I'm most impressed with myself.
The subject, Ms. Michele, is a movie makeup artist specializing in the gory stuff. It's probably been over 20 years since I drew zombies. This one seems odd, but all the elements were requested and Ms. Michele has been known to dress just like that while out shooting. Her pet bird really has a hoodie too. I won't type the bird's name; this is a PG-13 blog. Zombie gore not withstanding.

I am so much faster than I ever was and mistakes are far easier to correct now. I got two of what would've taken me a whole work day done today; the beer label previously posted and the zombie cartoon above. I'm most impressed with myself.
The subject, Ms. Michele, is a movie makeup artist specializing in the gory stuff. It's probably been over 20 years since I drew zombies. This one seems odd, but all the elements were requested and Ms. Michele has been known to dress just like that while out shooting. Her pet bird really has a hoodie too. I won't type the bird's name; this is a PG-13 blog. Zombie gore not withstanding.
So, thanks for the education, Lar! It's helping quite a bit!
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